SHB/SafeChina course I-R02 PETRO, Risk Analysis in Petrochemical Industry
July 25 - 29, 2011
Beijing Municipal Institute of Labour Protection
No. 55 Taoranting Road,
Beijing, China
See the program of the course!


General data of the course

Overview The petroleum industry is changing rapidly, challenging many organizations and individuals to keep pace and distinguish opportunity from risk. This course will present current global and regional happenings in the upstream, midstream, downstream and in petrochemical industries.
It will increase understanding of the industry's strengths and weaknesses and the risk issues.

In the end of the course the students will know:

  • what are risk aspects in petrochemical industries
  • methods for hazard identification applied in petrochemical industries
  • basics of probability and consequences analysis and risk assessment
  • what are the health, safety and environment issues related to petrochemical industries.
Target profile of attendees Engineers (university level), managers, inspectors, legislators and other professionals dealing with risk and safety in industry.
Course contents (divided in units) Unit 1: Risks aspects in petrochemical industries
  • Overview
  • links to the applied methods, standards and codes
  • HSE (Health, Safety, Environment) analyses and studies as a support to the design and operation
Unit 2: Brief introduction to “Risk” – origin, measure – Methods of Analysis

Unit 3: Hazard identification in petrochemical industries
  • HAZOP analysis
  • Brief example of application
Unit 4: The calculation of probability of accidents
  • Elementary Probability theory
  • The Fault Tree Analysis technique
  • Workshop: Application of Fault Tree Analysis – the identification of accident sequences
Unit 5:The assessment of consequences of accidents
  • „Scenario“ – Identification of release cases
  • Evolution of a release: accident scenarios and Event Tree analysis
  • Models for the assessment of fires, dispersion, explosion.
  • Brief workshop: analysis of a typical accident by computer modeling
Unit 6: The assessment of Risk
  • Models to assess the vulnerability of people and equipment.
  • Qualitative and Quantitative risk criteria
Unit 7: Safety Report for a petrochemical plant – Typical contents

Unit 8: Overview of the main topics of the course
Unit 9: Preparation for the final exam
Unit 10: Final exam
Course duration 5 days
Certification The course includes certification exam.
Special remarks, warnings none

Registration deadline expired.